Thursday, December 30, 2010

Trip to Wisconsin

Hey Cousins!
Hope everyone had a great Christmas!  I was just thinking we should plan our spring trip to Wisconsin and gets some dates set in stone.   Teensie, when is your spring break?  Mine is March 11-20th.  What days works for everyone?  It doesn't have to be on my SB, I just can only miss one day of work at the most, so it would have to be over a weekend (Friday-Sunday, or Saturday-Monday).  I can't wait to see your store Lisa!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Does Anyone Remember This Day?

When scanning pictures a while ago I ran across these of the girl cousins minus Lisa and I.  What's the story behind them?  I recognize Tina's room.  And that you all are so cute!  I also remember that fish thing Tina made!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Welcome to the Cousins' Blog!

I'm not totally sure what this blog will evolve into being, but I'm really excited about it.  I think it will be a neat way to keep in touch with one another, to share pictures and memories.  It can also be a neat way to share what's going on with our lives as we're growing older and into new life stages.

Please make a post whenever you have something to share with your cousins.  If you're reading what someone else posted, by all means, make comments!  Comments are the best part of blogging, in my opinion.

If you have a topic you want comments on, make a post and ask for your cousins' opinions!  Have a memory?  Write about it and see what your cousins remember about that same event.  It could get interesting.

I am looking forward to reading what you all have to say, seeing some old and new pictures and laughing with you, even while I'm at my computer miles away from you.